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Membership of the Medico-Legal Society of Victoria Inc. is open to Australian Lawyers within the meaning of the Legal Profession Uniform Law and Medical Practitioners holding General or Specialist registration under the Health Practitioner Regulation National Law.
Upcoming Meetings
NOTE: Tickets are only available to members.
Speakers for 2025 will be updated shortly. Please check back soon.

Warmest Christmas wishes to our prodigious members.
As another year comes to a close, I’m thrilled to have completed my role as President of the Medico Legal Society of Victoria, but I’m even more excited to announce that I’ve been re-elected for another term.
Reflecting on the past year fills myself and the MLSV committee with a sense of pride and accomplishment, which wouldn’t have been possible without the invaluable contributions from our members and their guests.
This year, we demonstrated our resilience in the face of unexpected challenges, including a last-minute speaker cancellation and my own impromptu presentation on Advances in Breast Care, demonstrating a changing epidemiology and the importance of risk profiling, gene testing and oncoplastic surgery.
We then had the privilege of learning from renowned global speaker Steve Van Aperen, who shared expert insights on detecting deception and building stronger relationships.
The take home message on how to read and address people both within work situations and personally was invaluable.
Prof Meng Law, Director of radiology at Alfred Health spoke on The rapid rise of AI in Health care and its potential impact on patient outcomes, was also well attended by concerned and curious parties. We are still waiting to see if the “machines” will take over humankind!
We then shifted from the Melbourne Club venue to the Alexander club, who welcomed us despite a slight delay in proceedings due to Qantas setting down Ms Helen Bird an hour late. Helen is a law and corporate governance expert who gave us insight into these issues with recent examples.
This was followed by the exceptional insight by Prof Dan Lubman into drug law reform. He is the Director of Turning Point, Australia’s leading national addiction treatment, research and education centre. With this background he discussed what is working with our reforms and how to potentially improve them.
Our AGM at the Melbourne Club was a resounding success, with 100 attendees and a thought-provoking address by Gavin Silbert KC on the disappearing rule of law.
Lively discussions ensued bringing a sense of colleagial engagement to the room.
This concluded our series of events and the committee is working tirelessly to curate an engaging lineup of speakers for 2025.
Please refer to the website in 2025, which we have slowly managed to repair for upcoming seminars.
We welcome with great enthusiasm new members and they can also be nominated on the website .
The committee and I are now taking a well-deserved break, and we wish you all a joyous, safe, and healthy festive season, followed by a New Year filled with endless possibilities for growth and positive change.
Dr Nicole Yap
Dr Nicole Yap
Ms Melissa Iskov (Legal)
Dr Nicole Woodrow (Medical)
Legal Secretary:
Mr Ian Rose
Medical Secretary:
Dr Craig Barnett
Ms Mary Ann Morgan
Committee Members
Mr Patrick Tehan OAM KC
Mr Stephen Bunce
Mr Morgan McLay
Mr Chris Lees
Dr Maggie Wong
Dr Jeremy Couper
Mr Will Edwards
Prof Chris Bladin
Dr Leslie Fisher
Dr Susie Sritharan (supernumerary)
Ms Lee Evans