‘The Humans are Dead: Rapid Rise of AI in Healthcare’

Location: General Meeting to be held at the Melbourne Club.
Date: July 19, 2024
Time: 6.30 pm – 11.30 pm
Dress: Lounge suit

In the last 10 years, artificial intelligence has evolved very rapidly and demonstrated its ability to remove the variation in clinical care and errors that accompany the provision of healthcare by humans. We discuss some of the current applications of AI in healthcare.

Multi-modal GPT, Text to Video Open AI, Sora large language models (LLMs) are poised to revolutionise AI in healthcare and medical imaging, negating the need for radiologists.

There is also no need to generate images for diagnosis, as abnormalities invisible to the human eye are already being detected by AI, so there is no need for a human to see it.

We will also discuss the ethics and medico-legal aspects of AI: Do we tell patients we are using AI in their care? Does this require patient consent? Who is liable when AI makes a mistake? The doctor, the company who provides the AI? What makes AI safe or unsafe?

What will AI look like in the future? When will we have autonomous AI providing our care without the oversight of a human doctor?

Meng is currently the Program Director of Radiology and Nuclear Medicine at Alfred Health, Professor and Director of iBRAIN (integrated Bioinformatics Research in AI and Neuroimaging) Monash University. He undertook his undergraduate and specialty training in Melbourne but had been working in the USA for almost 20 years.  He comes to us most recently from the USC Keck Medical Centre in Los Angeles, where he was the Director of Neuroradiology, Neuroradiology Fellowship Program Director, Director of NIA USC Alzheimer Disease Research Center, Neuroimaging Core and Medical Director of the Stevens Institute of Neuroimaging and Informatics where he was also the Professor of Radiology, Neurology & Neurological Surgery USC Keck School of Medicine as well as Professor of Biomedical Engineering USC Viterbi School of Engineering.

Prior to California, Meng held Associate Professorial roles at Mt Sinai School of Medicine, the New York University School of Medicine in New York and undertook a Neuroradiology fellowship at the New York University Medical Centre.

Over the years Meng has also been involved with many US and international professional organisations, including President of the American Society of Spine Radiology and President American Society of Functional Neuroradiology.  Meng’s major areas of research interest include the ageing brain and Alzheimer’s Disease, AI, big data science and machine learning, advanced neuro MR imaging techniques, molecular imaging, traumatic brain injury and imaging in spaceflight. Being an avid teacher, clinician and investigator, he has published over 500 peer review papers and given over 1000 lectures worldwide, been awarded the Outstanding Teacher Award at the International Society of Magnetic Resonance in Medicine (ISMRM), the Award for Excellence by the Society of Neuro-oncology (SNO), the Distinguished Investigator Award from the Academy of Radiology and Biomedical Imaging Research and recently a Fellow of the American Society of Functional Neuroradiology.

His iBRAIN lab at Monash University is focused on the discovery of neurovascular contributions & biomarkers in dementia, effects of prolonged spaceflight on the brain and AI in healthcare, including the ethics medicolegal aspects of AI, data cybersecurity and what happens when the humans are dead.