Special General Meeting on the 10th of September 2021 by Zoom at 6:45 pm followed by a presentation by Past President A/Prof Vinay Rane on the topic “2021- loser year- winner year for some”.


Shortly we will send the Zoom link.


Dear Member,

Below is a notice of a Special General Meeting of the Society, to be held on 10 September 2021 at 6.45pm, prior to the General Meeting presentation, via Zoom.  Details for the Zoom login will be sent out via email shortly.

**Please note you are required to be a financial member to vote

Should you have any questions regarding this SGM, please contact one of the following Committee Members;

Ms Mary Ann Morgan on 03 9459 6755

Mr Peter Chadwick QC on 0408 144 599

Mr Ian Rose on 0419 551 362

At a Special General Meeting held on 16 November 2019, the members of the Society resolved to proceed with Incorporation of the Society.

Accordingly, notice is hereby given of a Special General Meeting (under Clauses 12 and 13 of the Constitution of the Medico-Legal Society of Victoria) of all Members to be held on Friday, 10 September 2021 at 6.45pm.

BUSINESS: Resolution for the Medico-Legal Society of Victoria to become an Incorporated Association pursuant to the Associations Incorporation Reform Act 2012 and to adopt the attached Incorporated Association Rules.

If you are unable to attend, you are able to nominate a Proxy for another Member in accordance with the Proxy Form attached herewith.

Please forward signed Proxy Forms to Ms Lee Evans, Membership Secretariat, by facsimile to 1300 66 26 85 or scanned to mlsv@mlsv.org.au by 4PM on Tuesday 10 September 2021

Ian Rose, Legal Secretary, Medico-Legal Society of Victoria

You can print a copy of the above notice here, the Incorporated Association rules here and the Proxy form here.